A Beggar on the Path, by Davis, Edward Thompson
The Blind Beggar by Mullock, James Flewitt
The Death of the Pauper by Antigna, Alexandre
A Rest by the Wayside, by Bowkett, Jane Maria
On Waterloo Bridge,by Mulready, Augustus Edward

A Share of the Crust, by Mulready, Augustus Edward
Remembering Joys that have Passed Away, by Mulready, Augustus Edward
Orphans by Tomas Kennington
Girl by the Fireside, by Holl, Frank
Memories, by Langley, Walter
The Poverty-Stricken Family, or The Suicide, by Tassaert, Octave
Нашла в интернете, автор вроде бы Toussaint, но не знаю названия.
The Last Resource by Fluggen, Josef
Reflections of a Starving Man, by Longoni, Emilio